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Haggus - 3 Cadavers, 2 Corpses and a Carcass  7"
Haggus - No End in Suffering 7''
Grêle - Demo MMXXIV 7''

Grêle - Demo MMXXIV 7''

Premier Démo pour cettee formatiojn old school Black Metal tout droit sortit de Pont-Rouge! Demo ..


Inepsy - See You in Hell 7''

Inepsy - See You in Hell 7''

green vinylout dec 6..


Struggle. - S/T 7"
Sidetracked - Opposition 7"
Sidetracked / Rabid Pigs - split 7"
Endorphins Lost / OSK - Split 7"
To The Point / Life's Torment - Split 7"

To The Point / Life's Torment - Split 7"

Two of the West Coast Fast Core / Hardcore heavy weights together on one piece of random colored wax..


Global Holocaust - Act of Disaster 7"

Global Holocaust - Act of Disaster 7"

Global Holocaust hail from Montreal, Quebec, Canada and have been at it since 1989. After being bann..


Fractured / Life's Torment Split 7''

Fractured / Life's Torment Split 7''

Fractured offer up six new shitty hardcore songs to follow up from the "king fuck" era. Members of o..


Ugly - Wall 7"

Ugly - Wall 7"



Hail Mary - Glorious Morning 7"
Burning Love - Don't Ever Change 7"
Coffins / Cardiac Arrest - Split 7"
Faché / Chadhel - Split 7’’
1 à 16 de 70 itèms (5 Pages)